Campus Ministry

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Bringing the Word of God to secular college campuses across Long Island , our campus ministers reach out to raise Catholic spiritual awareness through Masses, retreats, and Reconciliation. Campus ministry also provides a social network for participants, with activities that bring about a fellowship among Catholic Students. Students are also encouraged to share their joy and go out into the community to do a variety of service projects.
“ Campus Ministry allows students in this modern world , with all the temptation out there to really focus on their faith. We can be Catholic and we can be proud of it. I have also grown spiritually, grown as a person and I feel connected to God. Before I just knew Him, but know I truly know him.”
Allen, Adelphi
“Having a family of friends here at Stony Brook University is so important to me. I grew up in a very small town and coming to a big school I didn’t get that sense of community anywhere else but in Campus Ministry. God is first and being surrounded by people that feel the same way encourages you and helps you through all your troubles.”
Susan, Stony Brook